The Villa-Fattoria di Frassineto represents a historical and artistic perspective of the Villa-Farm type settlements dating to the seventeenth century, subsequently modified in the nineteenth century. It’s architectural features, its history, and its geographical position represent the quintessential atmosphere of the past.
Tenuta di Frassineto
Indirizzo: Str. Vicinale Del Duca, 14, Loc. Frassineto 52100 Arezzo AR
Tel: +39 0575 367033
Fax: +39 0575/367033
Cel: 371 4956539
Web: http://www.tenutadifrassineto.com/
E-mail: info@tenutadifrassineto.com shop@tenutadifrassineto.com
HA OF VINEYARDS: totale 30 ettari – 18 ettari uve bacca bianca – 15 ettari uve bacca rossa
GRAPES: Semillon, Chardonnay, Sauvignon, Traminer, Pinot Bianco e Vermentino, Merlot, Cabernet Franc e Petit Verdot
OTHER PRODUCTS: miele, fagioli cannellini, fagioli borlotti, ceci, lenticchie biologiche